Think on Your Feet®

日期: 2024年09月26日 - 2024年09月27日
時間: 9:30am – 6:00pm & 9:30am – 1:00pm
價格: 會員: $4,300;非會員: $5,500



上課地點:香港人力資源管理學會,香港九⿓觀塘觀塘道378號創紀之城2期18樓 1810-15室 (鄰近港鐵牛頭⻆站A出口約3分鐘路程)




早鳥優惠 [報名表格及費用須於 2024年8月2日或之前 繳交]*

會員 HK$ 4,100

非會員 HK$ 5,300



Whether addressing 1 person or 50, Think on Your Feet® provides the all of the necessary techniques to focus on the most important issues, organise ideas and speed up preparation and response time.


Think on Your Feet® has achieved worldwide recognition as one of the most original and useful communication skill enhancement programmes.


The workshop offers the most useful techniques to help you speak spontaneously with clarity and impact, allowing your ideas to be presented in the most memorable way. By covering a wide range of demanding and challenging situations, you can gain a unique competitive advantage for your personal branding.


Typical Situations Include


➢ Proposing or presenting ideas to management

➢ Selling a product or service to internal and external customers

➢ Handling difficult interactions with customers

➢ Communicating changes

➢ Conveying company direction to staff

➢ Effectively presenting ideas in meetings

➢ Explaining complex information more clearly

➢ Answering tough questions on-the-spot

➢ Giving evidence to support your argument

➢ Promoting your organisation or yourself

➢ Handling the media

➢ Addressing different cultures





➢ Structure ideas more simply and persuasively

➢ Organise ideas while talking

➢ Flesh-out ideas with memorable examples

➢ Avoid common communication traps

➢ Answer questions quickly and coherently, especially when under fire

➢ Deal with hostile situations or handle objections positively

➢ Use techniques to identify listeners’ hopes, fears and background knowledge